In region Global and in group Global Shelter Cluster



GSC Online Meeting 2020: Indonesia Country Presentation


Indonesia Coordination Team presented their country profile.The session prepared and facilitated by Wahyu Widayanto, Dave Hodgkin, Idha Kurnaish, Hijaz Jalil and Avianto Amri.

Key takeaways from the session:

  • The Shelter Sub-Cluster Indonesia has brought about a paradigm shift on how coordination by a government agency is carried out with such notable features as: carrying out all coordination meetings in the national language of the country, leading inter-agency collaboration within and across the government agencies, and serving as a leading example of localization of coordination worldwide.
  • The Shelter Sub-Cluster, with its core team comprised of Ministry of Social Protection colleagues working along IFRC advisory staff, has achieved: the first humanitarian shelter and recovery standards in Indonesia to be approved by local governments in affected areas, the first national guidelines on managing risks of asbestos, and with the pandemic, a number of guidelines on quarantine and isolation measures. 
  • While this model where the Government agency leads the cluster has many advantages such as having its guidelines enjoy a legal and therefore biding status, limitations that could be mentioned is that along with the authority of the leading Ministry, the Shelter Sub-cluster also assumes its limitations and has to carefully navigate work that falls under competencies of other Ministries and government agencies. 

Presentation of the session. 

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