Shelter Cash and Markets Community of Practice

1st Meeting of the Shelter, Cash and Markets Community of Practice (CoP)


The Global Shelter Cluster launched the Shelter, Cash and Markets Community of Practice (CoP) in March 2021. The CoP is a place for practitioners to discuss and exchange on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in shelter responses, and in relation to market analysis and market-based programming within the shelter sector.  The CoP was formed following the deactivation of the Cash and Shelter Working Group (active from 2015 – 2020) to enable conversations, exchange, and technical discussions to continue in a more fluid and flexible format.

The 1st meeting of the COP was held on 28/4/2021 to introduce members to the CoP, generate interest and get inputs and feedback on the focus of the CoP going forward.


Action Points

Action Point

By Whom

By When

CoP Members to complete a survey for the direction that they would like to see the CoP go

Leeanne and Jenny

May 2021

All members to post updates/questions on the CoP Discussion Group

CoP Members


Update on the roll out/next steps of the Shelter Cash Training developed by Save the Children in 2019/20 to be shared with CoP members


May 2021

2 or 3 individuals to volunteer to engage with the Co-leads and Reference Group of the Grand Bargain MPCA Outcome Indicators on behalf of the Shelter Sector. Contact Jenny and Jose if interested OR respond to the discussion thread:

CoP Members

10 May 2021

Supporting continuous residence in the same rental housing unit beyond cash assistance: any agencies with experience to share on activities integrated in rental program design (e.g. accompaniment, case management, conflict resolution) that support this and/or strengthening relationships between Tenants and Landlords etc.) please share! Interested COP members to reach out to (and use discussion forum on the CoP website)

CoP Members