In region Global and in group Global Shelter Cluster

Working Group on NFI practices


December 2020 Rapid Response Snippits from Country-level Shelter Clusters

Products from Country-Level Shelter Clusters on NFIs

Dear Global Shelter Cluster NFI WG Members, 

This is our last update of 2020 on the activities of country-level Shelter Clusters related with NFIs taken at the end of the year. Please see this month's rapid respones snippits: 

  1. Winterization: Country-level Shelter Clusters are in the process of delivering winterization assistance. Please see the latest updates on those activities: 

2. The Gaziantep based Cross Border Operations in Syria Cluster worked with the CCCM Cluster to produce a ntoe on fire safety in camps and agreed actions that each cluster would take to support IDps in mitigating and responding to fires in camps:

3. In the Philippines, the response scaled up in November to Typhoon Goni and Vamco. A collection of IEC materials and COVID19 protocols are available on the response page:

4. Yemen has issued an updated version on their technical guidance on NFIs:

5. Afghanistan has undertaken a mapping of their NFI stocks across the country to better inform availability of items to respond to new displacements:

6. Score Cards and their role in delivering the response. As you may recall this working group has discussed a lot about the role of score cards in doing beneficiary selection to better deliver the response. Several country-cluster coordinators have been exchanging best practices on this to contextualize it to their response. As a reminder, the GSC NFI WG has collected the best practices on score cards at this link:

7. You may recall the presentation of the Somalia Shelter Cluster on Joint Market Monitoring done during the October GSC meeting. A similar initiative has now been undertaken in Venezuela. The results are very interesting and show how inter-cluster cooperaiton on this issue can facilitate access to information on availability of materials and inform on selection of modalities in the response.

Relevant Photos from Country Responses