In regions Africa and Cameroon and in groups Cameroon and Africa

North West South West


2023-08 Factsheet - North West South West

< Jul 2023
August 2023
Sep 2023 >
@H4BF distribution of NFI items in Donga Mantung earlier this year


Shelter Cluster partners reached 684 households in the month of August accounting for roughly 4474 people. 47 newly displaced conflict IDPs were reached with in-kind assistance. Meanwhile, other agencies started or continued rental assistance through cash assistance to 2090 individuals, and 2337 people received cash or voucher support for purchasing of essential household items. 

During the month of August, the Shelter Cluster adopted its contingency plan. The contingency plan details risks and scenarios, and the likelihood of emergencies and how to prioritize an emergency shelter and NFI response according to the likelihood of each scenario. Minimum preparedness actions are recommended to increase the Cluster's capacity and prepare the cluster for the eventuality of several likely hazards for the four regions. 

The Shelter Cluster also updated its strategy to reflect its visions for 2023

With the updating of these two documents, the Shelter Cluster has updated its one-pager document. This document serves as a mini coordination toolkit for the shelter and nfi response in the context of the Northwest and Southwest regional crisis. It is recommended that Shelter Cluster partners make use of the tools and follow the programme cycle to support them in their implementation. By sharing joint tools and technical guidelines, the one-pager can help partners in sharing lessons learned, sharing data on needs assessment, and to more easily update technical guidance, and to form advocacy messages. 




Coverage against targets

Need analysis

August witnessed a deterioration of the situation which has been a trend for the past 3 months with targeted killings and frequent violations of human rights. The number of people killed by the conflict overall tends to be difficult, but in looking at incidents over the last past 8 months and looking across the country according to data from ACLED, conflict-related deaths were most frequently recorded in the Northwest regions of Momo, Menchum, Bui, and Mezam and the Southwest regions of Manyu, Ndian, and Kupe Manenguba. This is another proxy to show the severity of the conflict in those regions. 

In the month of August, Intersos interviewed 26 households who were living in flood-impacted areas of Limbe. The report of the findings is available here



  • CRS delivered the top-up of voucher amount for 230 households in addition to sensitization to beneficiaries and discussion about their current challenges. These beneficiaries were not yet reached in July.
  • IRC supported 47 IDP households who had not already been supported by other agencies who were displaced from Big Babanki to Bambui.
  • NRC in partnership with SIRDEP started supporting 60 households of 375 people with rental assistance in Bamenda. This year NRC will be able to support these people for 6 months. 
  • SHUMAS continued providing rental assistance to 32 vulnerable IDP students who are living with other family members. Therefore, this accommodation program is benefitting 107 people.
  • UNHCR reached 91 households for rental support to cover a 3-month period. 


  • NRC began providing rental assistance to 60 households of 320 people in Indenau. This year, NRC will be able to cover their needs for 6 months. 
  • IRC distributed NFI kits to IDPs who were recently displaced to Konye in the town of Ikliwindi. 
  • UNHCR provided cash assistance to 30 households to support them with purchase of essential household items and to 134 households 

Gaps / challenges

Due to funding constraints, the Shelter Cluster is only on track to achieve 21% of its targets for NFI activities, and only 13% of shelter activities. Part of this is due to funding constraints and it is also due to a lack of comprehension about how to conduct good shelter programming that includes more than just distributions but also has technical assistance and monitoring. Donors and senior management are often not putting in the resources to make that a reality especially for shelter programming. Equally access and limited days in the field are also limiting factors. 

Shelter Cluster have also struggled to do price monitoring, this has limited the Shelter Cluster from updating its technical guidelines and standard prices since August 2022.